A Kepion Application is a container holding Models, Dimensions, Rules, Forms, Dashboards, Apps, and more. Each Application is represented as a single SQL database from the back end; and users can manage data and configurations from the front end through the Modeler, Administrator, and System modules.
The first step to building an Application is to use the Add Application window. This window allows System Admins to create a new Application and an associated SQL database or use an existing SQL database to build an Application.
This article will explain the Add Application window, allowing you to begin building your next, or even first, Application.
Add Application
1. Select the Module dropdown and then System.
2. Select Add.
You can create a new application database or use an existing one. Select the link that applies to your situation to jump to the relevant article section:
Create new application database
This option will create a Kepion Application and an associated SQL database in your SQL server.
1. Select Create new application database from the Option dropdown.
2. Enter a descriptive, user-friendly name for the Application in the Name field.
3. Select OK.
The window should automatically close, and your new Application should be on your Application list:
Use existing application database
This option will create an Application using an existing database in your SQL server.
1. Select Use existing application database from the Option dropdown.
2. Enter your server's name in the Server field.
3. Select the desired database from the Database dropdown.
4. Select OK.
The window should automatically close, and your new Application should be on your Application list: