The Roles node allows you to manage roles to configure permissions, restrictions, and workflow participants in bulk.
This article covers:
- Navigating to the Roles node.
- The Roles node's layout and functionality.
- Resources for further learning.
Tip: Explore other ways administrators can customize and configure applications and apps here.
Follow the instructions below to go to the Roles node.
1. Go to Administrator and select an application.
2. Go to Roles using the left navigation.
You will land on this page:
View roles
Upon reaching the node, you'll see a list of all the application's roles.
Column | Description |
Name | The name of the role. |
Manage roles
The Roles tab offers the following actions to manage an application's roles.
Add Role
Add a role. You can then go to the Membership node to add members to these roles.
Removes the selected role(s).
Refreshes the list of roles to the latest on your server.
Edit role name
Hover over a role, select the Edit icon (), and enter a new name.