You can manage Dashboard Filters in bulk by using Filter Link in the Dashboard Editor's ribbon. Filter Link allows you to link Filters across different Forms. For example, when you change the Brand Filter in the Dashboard below, you may want all the Brand Filters on the page to update. In this article, we will show you how to link Filters.
Link Filters
In the image above, notice that when we change the Brand Filter to Adair, the second Brand Filter at the bottom of the page remained on Harper. For this example, let's say that we want all the Brand Filters to change, when any single one is updated.
1. In your target Dashboard, click Filter Link.
2. Click the Filter drop-down to select the Filter to configure. Each column of the grid shows the page where the Filter is currently configured and its linked Forms. The greyed-out boxes represent where that filter would link to itself.
3. Select the checkboxes in the grid to link the filters together.
Tip: Filter links are unilateral, meaning you could link two filters such that Filter B updates when you change Filter A, but Filter A doesn't change when you update Filter B.
Tip: For more information on the Clear Filters function, refer to this article.
Now when we change the Brand Filter at the top to Adair, the one at the bottom changes as well, and vice versa. A clever use of Filter links would involve the creation of a "master" Filter that updates all the Filters on the page when it changes, but also lets you change any individual Filter to something unique.
Basic Link
1. To review a Filter's links, select target component and click the Filter icon.
2. Go to Basic Link.
3. Review the Filters linked to the selected Filter. You can decouple a Filter by un-checking its corresponding checkbox.
Advanced Link
Using an Advanced Link, Dashboard Filters can be configured to link between Filters that do not belong from the same Dimension. Filters for type hierarchies can be linked together using this feature. In addition, Filters that have Member properties associated with them, such as Member-List and Parent-Child Hierarchies, can link to other Filters using their properties/attributes.
To configure an Advanced Link:
1. Click the settings icon on the desired Filter.
2. Go to the Advanced Link tab in the configuration window.
The first drop-down contains properties you can link to another Filter. The default property is Caption; however, you can also use MemberLabel and other dimension Attributes if they are available.
The second drop-down shows the list of Filters (i.e., <form>.<filter> format) you can link with the target Filter. Multiple Filters from different Dimensions can be linked together using Advanced Links .