There are a number of settings available to control the look, feel, and functionality of a Form within a Dashboard. In this article we'll look at the following customization options:
- Settings
- Format
- Explorer
- Filter
- Data Filter
- Link Data Filter (covered in more depth in this article)
Before you Start
To access these settings, select the Form and click .
The Settings tab contains the generic settings to control how a Form should display in a Dashboard.
The settings are as follows:
Setting | Description |
Read-Only | Disable all input-enabled cells in the Form. |
Show Zoom | Show the zoom-slider in the bottom-right of the Form. |
Hide Horizontal Scrollbar | By default, a Form has a vertical scrollbar. If you do not need the vertical scrollbar, you can hide it from the Form. |
Hide Vertical Scrollbar | By default, a Form has a vertical scrollbar. If you do not need the horizontal scrollbar, you can hide it from the Form. |
Hide Shadow | By default, the shadow effect is disabled. You can enable the shadow effect by un-checking this option. |
Hide Statistic | By default, several values are shown at the bottom-center of the Form. These statistics show the calculated Average, Count, and Sum values of the selected cells. |
Hover Text for Drop-down | Display hover text on drop-down selection. |
Show Run Rules | By default, the Run Rules option is hidden from the menu when you right-click on a Form. If you want to configure a business rule running on selected cells, you need to check this option. |
Hide Default Rules | By default, the Hide Default Rules option is unchecked. You can check it to hide the built-in Adjust and Spread rules that run on write enabled cells. |
Exclude Export | By default, all Dashboard Forms can be exported into .csv file if they are refreshed by the time user clicks the export button in dashboard. You can check this option to exclude specific Forms from export. |
Drill-through (Analytical) | Drill-down to a lower level of data in a Model. To learn more about configuring drill-throughs, read this article. |
You can also configure the Explorer pane within a Form to be Hidden, Collapsed, or Opened by default. In addition, you can configure which tabs are available and which one should be selected by default.
The Format tab offers further options to enhance the look of a Form.
In the Filter tab, users can set filter overrides. Just click the checkbox(es) of the target Filter(s) and select the new Filter settings. Once you click OK, the Form will default with the new Filter settings.
Data Filter
Data Filters can be applied on a Form to allow users to perform data filtering by column. In the Data Filter tab, you can set specific Filters to read only.
Link Data Filter
The Link Data Filter tab allows Filters to be applied across Forms on the same Dashboard App.
Tip: To learn more about how to configure these Filters, read Configure Data Filter.