Filter Variables are useful when you want to change the definition on a row or column axis dynamically based on the filter selections. In this article, let's look at how to configure a Filter Variable.
In this example, we can see that the Brand filter selections (i.e., Adair, Harper, and Zofia) are dynamically injected onto the row axis.
A Filter Variable is composed of two parts: the Filter and definition. The Filter is exposed as a regular filter on the Form, and the definition defines what to inject along the row or column axis.
In this example, the Brands hierarchy is set as a Filter Variable and the definition is set to Row.
Now let's take a look at the configuration setup in the Row tab. Select the Product.Brands hierarchy, and click Variable.
Filter Variables are marked by the icon, with their value taking the following form:
Select [Product].[Brands] and click Add.
With some formatting, we'll have the Form you see below.