In this session, you will use the dimensions you built to create the models outlined in the Architecture Document.
In this session, we’ll use the Dimensions we built to create the Models we outlined in our Architecture Document. Remember that Models are used to capture or report on data in our Application.
For this Application, we decided on four Models: Reporting, Deflator Percent, Trade Spend, and Assumption.
Let’s start with the Reporting Model.
In Kepion, we can select ‘All Models’ and then click Add. Name it ‘Reporting.’
When creating a new Model, Account and Time are included by default. Let’s add the additional Dimensions we need here: Entity, Product, and Scenario.
All the Models in our Application will use the same five Dimensions; however, they’ll differ by the Member List we select for the Product Dimension. For this Model, let’s ensure that it’s set to the Product Member List, which contains both Brands and SKUs.
Also ensure that the Time Dimension is set to Months, as this is the lowest granularity that we’re capturing data in our Application.
Now let’s define the Deflator Percent Model. We know that it uses the same Dimensions as the Reporting Model, so let’s copy from there. When copying a Model, the structure, such as the Dimensions, Measures, and Partitions, will be copied over. Rules, Forms, and the Data in the Model will not be copied.
For the Deflator Percent Model, let’s select the Brands Member List.
Then we can copy the Model a second time to create our Trade Spend Model. This one will also use Brands.
Finally, we have the Assumption Model. We can still copy from the Reporting Model, but we’ll need to change the Member List here to SKUs.
Now we need to deploy the application. Deployment is necessary whenever we make any structural changes to our Application.
Kepion uses a SQL Database and an OLAP Database for each Application. The SQL database holds all of the data and configurations for the Application, while the OLAP Database contains OLAP Cubes, which are aggregations of the data.
Deployment is the process of dropping and creating the OLAP Cubes defined by the Models.
Let’s select this to trigger the deployment process.
Now we have the four Models we need. In the next session we’ll begin building our Forms, starting with the P&L Report.