Welcome to part III of the SQL Training series. In this final lesson, we will review how to create and edit views, tables, and stored procedures.
Tip: If you haven't completed the first and second parts of this series, we strongly recommend you go back and do so.
Views are virtual tables that can be customized to return a particular result set. They are useful because querying them always returns your data's current state. Views are stored in the database and can be re-used in other queries.
Create view
To create a new view to show all US employees, we can write:
CREATE VIEW [dbo].[USR_US_Headcount] AS
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[D_Employee]
WHERE [Entity] = N'United States';
Note: Try not to nest multiple views (one view based on another view) as this can impact performance.
Query view
We can query a view just like a table:
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[USR_US_Headcount];
Update View
To update a view, we can use the ALTER VIEW statement.
ALTER VIEW [dbo].[USR_US_Headcount] AS
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[D_Employee]
WHERE [Entity] = N'United States'
AND [Department] IN (N'Sales', N'Marketing');
We can delete, or 'drop,' a view with the DROP VIEW statement.
DROP VIEW [dbo].[USR_US_Headcount];
We can create and drop tables in the database in the same way as views, with the CREATE TABLE and DROP TABLE statements.
Let's create a new table:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[USR_Employees]
[EmployeeCode] [nvarchar](200) NOT NULL
Stored procedure
Stored procedures are prepared SQL statements we can run repeatedly.
To create a new stored procedure:
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[USR_Update_Employees]
TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[USR_Employees];
INSERT INTO [dbo].[USR_Employees] ([EmployeeCode])
SELECT [MemberLabel]
FROM [dbo].[D_Employee]
WHERE [Entity] = N'United States';
We can run the stored procedure we created with the following snippet:
EXEC [dbo].[USR_Update_Employees];
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[USR_Employees];
And we can update the stored procedure with the following snippet:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[USR_Update_Employees]
TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[USR_Employees];
INSERT INTO [dbo].[USR_Employees] ([EmployeeCode])
SELECT [MemberLabel]
FROM [dbo].[D_Employee]
WHERE [Entity] = N'United States'
AND [Department] IN (N'Sales', N'Marketing');
Parameters can be used to exchange data values with application variables or Transact-SQL variables. You can use parameters in stored procedures:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[USR_Update_Employees]
@Department nvarchar(50)
TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[USR_Employees];
INSERT INTO [dbo].[USR_Employees] ([EmployeeCode])
SELECT [MemberLabel]
FROM [dbo].[D_Employee]
WHERE [Entity] = N'United States'
AND [Department] = @Department;
And then pass values into the parameters upon execution:
EXEC [dbo].[USR_Update_Employees] @Department = N'Marketing';
Array parameters
We can pass in array parameters:
ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[USR_Update_Employees]
@Department nvarchar(50),
@Entity [dbo].[tLabelSet] READONLY
TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[USR_Employees];
INSERT INTO [dbo].[USR_Employees] ([EmployeeCode])
SELECT [MemberLabel]
FROM [dbo].[D_Employee]
WHERE [Entity] IN (SELECT [Label] FROM @Entity)
AND [Department] = @Department;
And then execute them like this:
DECLARE @Entity [dbo].[tLabelSet];
INSERT INTO @Entity ([Label]) VALUES (N'United States');
INSERT INTO @Entity ([Label]) VALUES (N'Australia');
EXEC [dbo].[USR_Update_Employees]
@Department = N'Marketing',
@Entity = @Entity;
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[USR_Employees];
Next steps
Congratulations on completing our SQL training series! We challenge you to implement what you've learned in your Kepion apps.