Welcome to part II of the SQL Training series. In this lesson, we will review how to perform queries with the following functions: INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, IDENTITY INSERT, TRUNCATE, UPDATE with JOIN.
Tip: If you have not completed the first part of this series, we strongly recommend you go back and do so.
Before you start
We'll use the [dbo].[D_Department] table for this tutorial. After each statement, you can SELECT * FROM the table to see the changes.
Attention: The SQL commands below affect the data or structures of the tables directly and execute immediately when run. Some changes may not be easily reversed.
INSERT creates new records in a table.
To add a new record called Operations:
INSERT INTO [dbo].[D_Department]
DELETE removes existing records from a table.
To remove a record called Operations:
DELETE FROM [dbo].[D_Department] WHERE [MemberLabel] = N'Operations';
UPDATE modifies existing records in a table.
To change the input value of all records in the [D_Department] table to 0:
UPDATE [dbo].[D_Department]
SET [Input] = 0;
To update multiple columns at once:
UPDATE [dbo].[D_Department]
SET [Input] = 1,
[Annotate] = 0;
Or attach a WHERE clause to your query to update specific records:
UPDATE [dbo].[D_Department]
SET [Input] = 0,
[Annotate] = 0
WHERE [MemberId] = 2;
As MemberIds are automatically incremented when inserting new records, IDENTITY_INSERT is a property that allows us to bypass this functionality.
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[D_Department] ON;
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[D_Department] OFF;
Note: Always keep MemberIds and MemberLabels consistent when inserting records in Kepion tables.
TRUNCATE removes all data and records from a table without deleting the table itself.
To first create a back-up of the [D_Department] table:
SELECT * INTO [dbo].[USR_D_Department]
FROM [dbo].[D_Department]
To remove all records from a table:
TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[D_Department];
To reset the [D_Department] table from a back-up:
TRUNCATE TABLE [dbo].[D_Department];
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[D_Department] ON;
INSERT INTO [dbo].[D_Department]
[Department Name])
SELECT [MemberId],
[Department Name]
FROM [dbo].[USR_D_Department]
SET IDENTITY_INSERT [dbo].[D_Department] OFF;
We can also UPDATE using a JOIN statement. This allows for more advanced data targeting.
For example, let's try combining the dimension and hierarchy tables. We'll set all [Input] at the child level to 1.
First, we'll use a SELECT * FROM statement to view the two tables:
SELECT [MemberLabel], [Input]
FROM [dbo].[D_Workflow Organization];
SELECT [MemberLabel], [Input], [Childcount]
FROM [dbo].[V_H_Workflow Organization_Workflow Organization];
The second table is a hierarchy table which shows the parent-child relationship of each member and its number of children.
Let's see what these tables when joined:
SELECT DWO.[MemberLabel], DWO.[Input]
FROM [dbo].[D_Workflow Organization] DWO
INNER JOIN [dbo].[V_H_Workflow Organization_Workflow Organization] VHWO
ON DWO.[MemberId] = VHWO.[MemberId]
WHERE VHWO.[ChildCount] = 0;
And lastly, let's write our update statement for the [D_Workflow_Organization] table:
SET [Input] = 1
FROM [dbo].[D_Workflow Organization] DWO
INNER JOIN [dbo].[V_H_Workflow Organization_Workflow Organization] VHWO
ON DWO.[MemberId] = VHWO.[MemberId]
WHERE VHWO.[ChildCount] = 0;
Next Steps
Continue learning about SQL in our SQL Training - Basics III article.