Kepion's Rule Editor allows users to create powerful relational Data Rules for all your business planning scenarios. In this overview, we will explain the many functions and options the Rule Editor provides.
Before you Start
Navigate to the Data Rules section by hovering over Modeler and selecting the Application of your choice.
Select All Data Rules.
All Data Rules
All Data Rules allows Modelers to manage all of their Data Rules.
Note: Before adding a Data Rule, ensure you know what name and type (Action or View) you want as you can't edit them. VIEW Rules generate SQL Views, which are virtual tables. Views are dynamic and update automatically as the data changes. ACTION Rules, on the other hand, are updated on demand and allow you to insert or delete the records in a partition.
Action | Function |
Add | Create a Data Rule. For more details, refer to Session 11 - Building Data Rules or Part 9 - Data Rules. |
Remove* | Delete a Data Rule. |
Move Up* | Move the Data Rule up the list. |
Move Down* | Move the Data Rule down the list. |
Import | Import a Data Rule from an .xml file. |
Export* | Export a Data Rule as an .xml file. |
*You must first select the checkbox to the left of the Data Rule(s) and then click the desired action.
Data Rule list
Field | Function |
Data Rule | Name of the Data Rule. |
Group | Create a folder to organize the right menu by entering a name (e.g., 0-Source Data). |
Type | The Data Rule Type (Action or View Rule). |
Modified By | Last user to modify the Data Rule. |
Modified | Last date and time the Data Rule was modified. |
Restore | Revert the Data Rule back to a previous version. |
Rule Editor
When you open a Data Rule, you should land on the Rule Editor. This is your tool to design your Rule.
To make any changes to the Rule, you need to go into Edit mode by selecting Edit.
While Action Rules and View Rules share most of their components, they do differ in a few important ways. Let's take a look at how the Components and Management Actions are set up for each Rule type.
Components and Management (View Rule)
Data Source
Action | Function |
Fact | Use a fact table (i.e., Model partition) in your calculation. |
Dimension | Use a Dimension Hierarchy in your calculation. |
Link | Use Transform components from the Data Rules above the current one in your Data Rule list. |
Note: The target data source must be in your Application for you to use it in a Data Rule.
Action | Function |
Pivot | Moves unique values from one column to multiple columns. |
Unpivot | Perform Pivot's reverse operation. |
Join | Joins columns from one or more result sets together. |
Union | Joins rows from one or more result sets together. |
Calculate | Manipulates the columns of a result set. This step is useful when adding or removing columns to create the core rule logic. |
Action | Function |
Model | Publish results to a Model. |
View | Publish results to a SQL View. |
Action | Function |
Validate | Validate by each component used in your Data Rule. |
Refresh | Refresh the workspace. |
Components and Management (Action Rule)

Action | Function |
Delete | Delete records from fact tables in the current Application. |
Insert | Insert records into fact tables in the current Application. |
SQL | Allows you to add a free-form SQL query. Refer to the Example tab for sample queries. |
Action | Function |
Procedure | Create a stored procedure. |
Action | Function |
Run | Test actions used in your component. |
Tip: To learn more about the individual components, refer to our Rule Editor Components guide.
Components will populate the left panel as you add them to your Data Rule. You can view them while in the Definition tab.
- Drag any components to re-order within the group (Data Source, Transform, Publish, and Action).
- Double-click the component or click
to rename it.
Tip: Name components clearly for better organization and knowledge sharing.
- Right-click a component for further actions:
- Remove: Remove the component.
- Duplicate: Creates a copy of the component.
- Disable: Disable the component (only Action components)
- Find All References: Find all components that depend on selected component.
- Find All Dependencies: Find all components on which selected component depends.
You can manage parameters and variables in the Settings tab. The list contains the name and default value of each parameter/variable.
Note: Parameters are valid only for Action Rules.
- Adds a parameter or variable.
- Removes the selected parameter(s) and/or variable(s).
- Moves up the selected parameter(s) and/or variable(s).
- Moves down the selected parameter(s) and/or variable(s).
- Edit an existing parameter or variable.
Parameter (Action Rule Only)
Parameters will be used as input parameters for all published stored procedures in the Rule.
You will need to specify the parameter name and choose its data type from the following:
- Member: One or more Hierarchy Member(s). The SQL data type is decided by the Dimension size and whether the parameter allows multi-select or not.
Dimension Size | Small | Medium | Large |
Single-select | TINYINT | SMALLINT | INT |
Multi-select | tID32Set | tID32Set | tID32Set |
- String: Its SQL data type is NVARCHAR(MAX).
- FLOAT: Its SQL data type is FLOAT.
- INT: Its SQL data type is INT.
You might have to specify a default value for the parameter. These default values will be used only for design and display purpose.
Note: Although SQL requires a parameter name to start with an at (@) sign, you don't need to do so in Kepion because the @ will be automatically added. Use @Name when you refer to the parameter in the Rule.
Use variables to hold data values of a specific type.
Specify the variable name and choose its data type from the following:
- Member
- String
You'll need to specify a value, Member, or definition for your variables. Unlike parameters, these values will persist in design mode and production mode. Use ${Name} when you refer to the variable in the Rule. All the Application variables can be referred to using the same syntax ${ApplicationVariableName}.
The workspace changes slightly depending on the component, but it generally has the same format. You should see some or all of the following tabs:
- Preview
- Design
- Column (if you can't define the columns in the Design tab)
- Scope
The Preview tab displays the results generated by your Data Rule. The Dimension columns are white, whereas the measure columns are blue.
The Dimension columns display the Member Label by default. Select the Display drop-down to view by Member Name or MemberId instead.
You can also use the filter within the column to scope down the display result:
Note: These are cascading filters, which means the selection on the first filter causes the second to be limited to only the relevant values. Select the Clear Filter icon in the first column to remove filter selections.
The bottom of the tab shows:
- Total row count in the result table.
- Row count displayed in the preview window.
- Duration of the refresh.
Tip: This tab can be refreshed even if the Rule is not in Edit mode.
The Design tab is the primary place where you configure your component.
- Source: Select a data source from the drop-down.
- Define component (e.g., Define columns): Use the actions to configure the component.
- Select from available columns: Double-click from the list to quickly use available columns in your component.
- DISTINCT: Skips duplicate records when enabled.
- Remove zeros: Exclude any NULL or zero values from the result set.
- Has annotation: Includes any annotations made.
- Notes: Enter your design notes and comments to this field. Anything typed here is only for your own reference and will not show up anywhere else.
- Adds column to component.
- Removes the selected column.
- Moves up the selected column.
- Moves down the selected column.
- Edit the column.
To edit a column:
1. Go to Advanced.
2. Select from the Aggregation drop-down.
3. Click OK to save.
The Scope tab is used to extract only those records that fulfill specified criteria on specific columns.
You can specify the criteria in five ways:
- Members: Only include selected Members in associated hierarchy.
- Exclude members: Exclude selected Members from associated hierarchy.
- Parameter: Only when the column value is equal to a parameter value.
- Variable: Only when the column value is equal to a variable value.
- SQL: Free-form SQL query; use the Example tab for reference.
Note: All five types are available for Dimension columns, whereas only the latter three are applicable to measure columns.
For Dimension data sources, there is a Show All option. When checked, you will be able to put scope on the system-defined technical columns of the Dimension table.
The SQL tab displays the SQL query that is automatically generated from your design. This is a read-only tab.