To access Kepion with HTTPS, you must import a valid SSL certificate and then bind it onto the web server where Kepion is hosted. This article explains how to import an SSL certificate.
Note: The process of add a certificate can vary based on the authority administering the certificate and the type of certificate file received.
Before you start
You need to have a valid SSL certificate in .pfx format.
Import certificate
1. On the Windows server where Kepion is installed, open mmc.
2. Go to File > Add/Remove Snap-in…
3. Select Certificates and then Add >.
4. Select Computer account and then Next.
5. Select Local computer and then Finish.
6. Expand Certificates.
7. Right-click Personal and go to All Tasks > Import…
8. Select Next on the first screen.
9. Change the file type to Personal Information Exchange (.pfx) and locate the certificate file.
10. Select Next.
11. Enter the password for the private key and select Next.
12. Select Place all certificates in the following store > Personal and then Next.
You can verify that your assigned certificate has been added under Certificates > Personal > Certificates.
Next steps
Go to Configure HTTPS Binding to complete the setup process.