The Sort feature organizes your form's rows based on the values in a column. In this article, we'll walk you through the basics of this feature.
Sort options
Before explaining how to configure sorts, we should define the two fundamental sort components: sort order and sort on.
Sort order
The sort order organizes the form's rows based on a designated column's values. Kepion has two sort orders: Smaller to larger and Larger to smaller.
Note: The examples below use column B for their sort values.
Smaller to larger
Orders rows from smallest value to largest value.
Larger to smaller
Orders rows from largest value to smallest value.
Sort on
Sort on specifies which column to use for your sort values. There are two options: Spreadsheet column and Form header.
Spreadsheet column
Spreadsheet column sorts are assigned to the column (A, B, C, etc.). No matter how the form's definition changes, a spreadsheet column sort will be active as long as its associated column is present on the form.
Smaller to larger sort on Column B
You can change the column definition, and column B will still dictate the form's organization:
Form header
Form header sorts depend on their associated column definitions—i.e., what's defined in the column layout (e.g., member, variable, etc.). Form header sorts apply to all columns that share the same definition. You can move the definition to a different column, and the sort will still apply. This sort will be rendered inactive only if the associated form header is not present on the form.
Smaller to larger sort with Mar FY25 Member
You can move the member to a different column, and it still dictates the form's organization.
Add sorts
1. Go to the General tab in the form editor.
2. Select Sort.
3. Select Add.
4. To configure the sort:
- Select the Sort on option from the Sort on drop-down.
- Select the column or column definition from the Column drop-down.
- Select the sort order from the Order drop-down.
indicates an active sort
indicates an inactive sort
5. Select OK to exit the window and apply the sort.
Order sorts
You can have multiple sorts running on the same form, but you must ensure they are applied in your desired order. Kepion will always apply sorts from top to bottom.
Take the following sort list:
Kepion will apply the Apr FY25 sort first, then the Mar FY25 sort, and finally the Column B sort.
To re-order sorts:
Select the target sort's checkbox and then Move Up/Move Down.
We moved the middle sort up one:
Tip: You can move multiple sorts at once by selecting their checkboxes and then Move Up or Move Down.
Remove sorts
1. Select the target sort's checkbox and then Remove.
Tip: You can remove multiple sorts at once by selecting their checkboxes and then Remove.