Kepion has member functions, which are SQL functions that return a set of members. These functions can be used in a SQL database or any SQL-related rules in Kepion.
Note: Member Ffunctions before Kepion version 6.1.22209 were called Hierarchy API and needed to be manually enabled. Refer here for more information.
The functions currently are:
Function | Purpose |
Given a member, it will return all the ancestor members. A member's ancestry is its direct path of members to the All member. |
Given a member, it will return all descendant members. |
Given a member, it will return all child members. |
Given a member, it will return all leaf Members. |
Tip: Member Functions are based on nested sets. Refer to the Background section for more information.
You will need to use these parameters when using a Member Function:
Parameter | Description |
@Dimension | A string field to enter the dimension name. |
@Hierarchy | A string field to enter the hierarchy or member list name. |
@Label | A string field to enter the given member's name. |
@IncludeSelf | A byte field to decide whether you want the given member to be returned in the result (1 for yes, 0 for no). |
For an illustration of how fnANCESTORS works, refer to the following image:
To use fnAncestors:
1. Create a new query and use a SELECT statement with [dbo].[fnANCESTORS]:
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[fnANCESTORS] (N'Dimension', N'Hierarchy', N'GivenMember', 0);
2. Select Execute.
For an illustration of how fnDESCENDANTS works, refer to the following image:
To use fnDescendants:
1. Create a new query and use a SELECT statement with [dbo].[fnDESCENDANTS]:
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[fnDESCENDANTS] (N'Dimension', N'Hierarchy', N'GivenMember', 0);
2. Select Execute.
For an illustration of how fnCHILDREN works, refer to the following image:
To use fnChildren:
1. Create a new query and use a SELECT statement with [dbo].[fnCHILDREN]:
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[fnCHILDREN] (N'Dimension', N'Hierarchy', N'GivenMember', 0);
2. Select Execute.
For an illustration of how fnLEAVES works, refer to the following image:
To use fnLeaves:
1. Create a new query and use a SELECT statement with [dbo].[fnLEAVES]:
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[fnLEAVES] (N'Dimension', N'Hierarchy', N'GivenMember', 0);
2. Select Execute.
We'll use the following parent-child hierarchy to illustrate how nested sets work:
Nested sets assign two numbers to each node (i.e., hierarchy member) according to a 'depth-first' traversal. Depth-first traversals work from left to right, assigning a number in order upon entering and exiting each node. Thus, each node will have two numbers, stored as two attributes.
Here's our example hierarchy represented as a nested set:
Node | Left | Right |
A | 1 | 12 |
A1 | 2 | 5 |
A1.1 | 3 | 5 |
A2 | 6 | 11 |
A2.1 | 7 | 8 |
A2.2 | 9 | 10 |
Nested sets help make querying efficient. You can, for example, test hierarchy memberships by comparing members' assigned numbers.