Export/Import page's in Dashboards




  • Official comment
    Kepion Support

    Hi David!

    I think we can help you out with this one right away. The functionality you're describing sounds like it's already a feature in Kepion. Check out our Import & Export Dashboard Page article and see if that solves your problem.

    With this feature you could update a single Dashboard page, and then import it into all the other Dashboards that use the same basic structure.

    The only problem you might encounter is that there are two places to export and import Dashboards in Kepion. One is for  individual Dashboard pages, whereas the other is for the entire Dashboard. This troubleshooting article should clarify if you encounter any problems.

    Let me know if that helps!

    - Ian

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    David Thiele

    Wow thanks Ian! That was quick :) and yes it is exactly what I need.

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