Using linked models to limit multiple filters (bug?)
AnsweredHi everyone!
We've trying to create a form where two filters are limited by the same linked model and we can't make them work, I believe there might be a bug around it.
The scenario is the following one:
- Linked model which maps the valid combinations between area, product and production type
- A model uses this linked model to filter Product and Production Type filters based on the selected Area
- Both filters have a default custom member saying "Select Product..." or "Select Production Type..."
- Whenever I try to expand any of the filters no members appear no matter what I select. The only way to get this working is to filter one dimension at the time
Is there any workaround to get this going? Thanks!
Official comment
Hi Ignacio,
I transferred this question to a support ticket to help you debug this issue.
Let me know if you have any more questions,
Ian Britz
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