Rule Designer: For Action Rules auto include actions in the publish step



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    Kepion Support

    Hi Santiago,

    Apologies for the late response here. We considered this idea, however we frequently find ourselves building rules with multiple procedures to save from repeating the same calculation steps over and over in other data rules. In this instance you'd have to remove all of those unneeded steps every time you added a procedure:



    So we're thinking if users will have to address one of these scenarios, the one where they explicitly need to choose which steps to run, and in which order, is likely preferred, especially as Insert and Delete steps tend to create permanent changes to the data and you're less likely to accidentally include an extra step this way.

    - Ian Britz

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    Perez Lemme, Ignacio

    Hi Ian,

    What do you think of having an hybrid solution here? One that enables developers to decide which way they want to go. Having a checkbox that is enabled by default (or not) named "Include all actions" that would automatically add every action as Santiago is asking, but that may be disabled for specific needs as the ones you are mentioning. 

    I believe my proposal is a bit more complex, but would look great and everyone would get what they want. 

    ~ Ignacio

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    Kepion Support

    Hi Ignacio,

    We've been looking to increase the flexibility of allowing users to set their own defaults, especially around things like formatting, colors, etc., for quite a while, so we can keep this idea in mind when we get to putting out features that allow for more custom defaults like this. As always, temper expectations for us to wrap up HTML5 in the next couple months :)


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    Perez Lemme, Ignacio

    Totally agreed! 

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