The Module Restriction node allows system admins and application admins to restrict access to sections of the Administrator and Modeler modules by users, roles, and groups. The member must have access to these modules for the restrictions to apply.
This article covers:
- Navigating to the Module Restriction node.
- Managing module restrictions.
- Resources for further learning.
Tip: Explore other ways administrators can customize and configure applications and apps here.
Follow the instructions below to go to the Module Restriction node.
1. Go to Administrator and select an application.
2. Go to Module Restriction using the left navigation.
2. Select a user, group, or role from the Configure dropdown.
You will land on this page:
Manage module restrictions
The Module Restriction node offers the following actions to manage module restrictions.
Note: When restrictions are applied to a role or group, all its members inherit the configured restrictions.
Full Access
Allows the member to view and edit across all module sections. By default, members of the Administrator system role have full access to the Administrator module, and members of the Application Modeler system role have full access to the Modeler module.
Grants read-only access to the selected module sections.
Grants edit access to the selected module sections.
Note: Setting a restriction limits the member to the selected module sections and disables full access. The member cannot view or edit any unselected module sections.