If you want to automate a file cleanup of your file stores, you can do so by integrating Kepion with a SQL agent job and PowerShell script. This article walks you through integrating Kepion with those two technologies.
Before you start
For our example, you will need to identify the following:
- <KEPION_APPLICATION>: An application with a file store set up.
- <FILE_STORE>: A file store for use by the example.
Note: Files will be deleted if you use valid file IDs.
Set up application
1. Open SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) and create the following table in the application database:
[FileStoreFileId] [int] NOT NULL
Tip: If you are unsure of how to create a table, refer to this article.
2. Identify the file IDs that you want to tag for removal:
SELECT * FROM [dbo].[FileStore_...]
3. Insert the IDs for the identified files:
(FileStoreFileId) VALUES(1);
(FileStoreFileId) VALUES(2);
Note: If you use invalid IDs, no files will be affected.
Set up PowerShell
1. Replace <KEPION_APPLICATION>, <FILE_STORE>, and the URL for the Kepion Web Service with appropriate values.
#Create SQL connection string
$connectionString = "Data Source=.;Initial Catalog='<KEPION_APPLICATION>';Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Application Name='Kepion Customization'"
$sqlConnection = new-object$connectionString);
#Create a Dataset to hold the DataTable
$dataSet = new-object "System.Data.DataSet" "Dataset"
$query = "SET NOCOUNT ON;"
$query = $query + "SELECT [FileStoreFileId] FROM [dbo].[USR_DELETE_FILES];"
#Create a DataAdapter and populate the DataSet with the results
$dataAdapter = new-object "System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter" ($query, $sqlConnection)
$dataAdapter.Fill($dataSet) | Out-Null
#Setup Kepion web service interface
$url = "http://localhost:8888/Services/Admin.svc?Wsdl"
$proxy = New-WebServiceProxy -uri $url -namespace WebServiceProxy -UseDefaultCredential
$proxy.Timeout = [System.Int32]::MaxValue
write-output "Open SQL connection.`r`n"
$dataTable = $dataSet.Tables[0]
$dataTable | FOREACH-OBJECT {
$progress = "Delete file with Id:" + $_.FileStoreFileId.toString()
write-output $progress
$proxy.FileStoreFileDelete("<KEPION_APPLICATION>","<FILE_STORE>", $_.FileStoreFileId)
$cmd = new-object System.Data.SQLClient.SQLCommand
$cmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM [dbo].[USR_DELETE_FILES] WHERE [FileStoreFileId] = @FileID"
$cmd.Connection = $sqlConnection
$cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@FileID", $_.FileStoreFileId) | Out-Null
$cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() | Out-Null
write-output "Close SQL connection.`r`n"
2. Test the script with PowerShell:
For example:
You can re-run the example multiple times by re-inserting into the table the files tagged for removal:
(FileStoreFileId) VALUES(1);
(FileStoreFileId) VALUES(2);
Set up SQL Agent
1. Open SSMS and connect to your SQL Server instance.
2. Right-click Credentials and select New Credential...
3. Configure the credential. This identity will be used to connect to Kepion.
Note: Ensure the Kepion SI credential has appropriate security roles within Kepion. (i.e., configure your Kepion SI as a system admin or application modeler).
4. Set up a proxy using the following query:
EXEC [msdb].[dbo].sp_add_proxy
-- Add proxy to PowerShell
EXEC [msdb].[dbo].sp_grant_proxy_to_subsystem
5. Create a job using the following query:
-- Add Kepion category
IF NOT EXISTS (SELECT name FROM dbo.[syscategories] WHERE name=N'Kepion' AND category_class=1)
EXEC [msdb].[dbo].sp_add_category
-- Add job
EXEC [msdb].[dbo].sp_add_job
@job_name=N'Delete Files',
@description=N'Remove files from a file store',
6. Add the step to the job by running:
Note: Replace <POWERSHELL_SCRIPT> with your tested script.
EXEC [msdb].[dbo].sp_add_jobstep
@job_name=N'Delete Files',
@step_name=N'Delete Files',
Now that the agent job is configured, you can call it from within SQL using:
EXEC [msdb].[dbo].sp_start_job N'Delete Files';