05-05-22 | April 2022 Release Notes
Spring has sprung! Let's talk about the highlights for April.
Attention: Kepion 6.0 will no longer be supported after June 15, 2022. Please update to Kepion 6.1 ASAP.
[UI Update] Text, Navigation, and Menu Bar
We are excited to announce a new look to our software!
We've made three major updates:
- Changed the font and increased the text size to improve readability.
- Moved Modeler and Administrator navigation to the left and added Save All, Deploy, and Switch to Administrator/Modeler.
- Improved the menu bar's design and functionality of the menu bar
- The modules and Applications are now in drop-down menus.
- Removed Deploy, Save, and Refresh buttons
- Added a new button that takes you to our Support Center
Note: If you'd like to refresh Kepion, refresh your browser.
[Feature Update] Validation Errors in Data Rules Prevent Save
Validation errors previously prevented Data Rules from being saved. You can now save your Data Rules despite any validation errors, allowing you to preserve any progress made.
[Feature Update] Turn Apps Online and Offline
Admins now have two additional options for App access: Online and Offline.
- Online keeps your App live indefinitely.
- Offline turns off the App indefinitely.
- Scheduled (previous default) allows you to set a start (online) and end (offline) date for the App.
[Feature Update] Filter Variables for Form's Range
Form Variables can now be used with the Range action in a Form's Row/Column configuration.
Users can set the Start and End range as the Filter Variable.
[Feature Update] Form Header
Forms now have an additional Sort on option: Form header.
Form header sorts depend on their associated column definitions—i.e., what’s defined in the column layout (e.g., Member, Variable, etc.). Form header sorts apply to all columns that share the same definition. You can move the definition to a different column, and the sort will still apply. This sort will be rendered inactive only if the associated Form header is not present on the Form.
Refer to our new documentation for the Sort feature if you have any questions.
Wrap Up
Here’s a quick rundown of what we covered:
- UI updated (text, navigation, and menu bar)
- Validation errors do not prevent Data Rules from being saved
- Apps can be turned online and offline
- Filter Variables can be used for Range definitions
- Form header Sort on option added
To review a comprehensive list of the updates, fixes, features, etc., head over to our Release Notes Archive.
If you encounter any errors that aren’t addressed in our help center, please submit a support request.
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