The Administrator module allows admins to manage user security (memberships, permissions, and restrictions), Apps, and notifications. Security can be configured for individual users, roles, or groups and restricted by Models and Dimension Members.
Resources: Administrator Guide
Advanced Workflow
When configuring a Dashboard App, the Workflow Type can be set as either Basic or Advanced. When the Workflow Type is set to Advanced, the Dashboard App can have three different user roles: Contributors, Reviewers, and Approvers.
See Also: Basic Workflow
Option to set a cell to annotations. A cell is annotatable when at least one of the Dimension Members that define the cell is annotate-enabled.
Resource: Cell isn't 'Inputtable' or Annotatable
App (sometimes: Dashboard App, Workflow App, or Workbook App) - Refers to a Dashboard or Workbook and its security and workflow settings. Apps are generally the 'solutions' with which end users interact. Apps are accessible through the Apps module.
Apps (module) - The Apps module displays all the available Apps a user can access.
App Id (appid)
A number assigned to an Application when added to Kepion through the System module.
Resources: App URL Structure
App Instance
When an App has been saved or submitted, the saved instance is called an App Instance. An App Instance in an Advanced Workflow can also be referred to as a Submission.
Application (Application Database)
An Application is a container that groups together common elements (Models, Dimensions, Rules, Forms, Dashboards, and Apps). An Application will be represented as a single SQL database from the back end. An Application can be managed through the Modeler, Administrator, and System modules.
Application Admin
Application Admin is a predefined system security role that allows users to manage apps and user access/security. For example, Application Admins can grant users access to models and dimension members and configure advanced workflows for apps.
Application Modeler
Application Modeler is a predefined system security role that allows users to manage the core modeling aspects of an application, including the ability to create new dimensions, hierarchies, and models. Application Modeler can also manage Dashboards, Forms, Rules, and Application Variables and deploy OLAP Databases.
Application Variable
Variables are used within an Application to ease maintenance and help facilitate automation. A common use is embedding variables within Forms, Rules, and Dashboards. Variables come in different types, such as Standard Variable and Member Variable. Variables can also be self-referential, allowing users to create complex expressions.
See Also: Standard Variable; Member Variable
Resources: Configure Application Variables
One of three user types available for an App Workflow, along with Contributor and Reviewer. Approvers can modify a Submission and either approve or reject it. This user type is available only in an Advanced Workflow.
Attributes can be added to extend the available information of a Dimension's Members. Attributes can be defined with various data types, such as String, Double, Boolean, Byte, Int16, Int32, Int64, and DateTime.
Authorization Id (authid)
A number assigned to each App in an Application when added through the Administrator module.
Resources: App URL Structure
Basic Workflow
When configuring an App, the Workflow Type can be set as either Basic or Advanced. When the Workflow Type is set to Basic, the only user type available is Contributor.
See Also: Advanced Workflow
One of three user types available for an App Workflow, along with Reviewer and Approver. Contributors can create new Submissions, modify the data, and in an Advanced Workflow, submit their data for approval.
A Dashboard can combine multiple Forms, Filters, Rules, and other components for end users to interact with.
Resources: Dashboard Overview
Dashboard App
See: App
Data Rule
A component found within the Rule Design Editor, Data Rules are designed for users to create and maintain business rules without having to write customized SQL. There are two types of Data Rules: VIEW Rules (to layer in new calculated records within a Model's partition) and ACTION Rules (to INSERT or DELETE existing records).
Resources: Rule Designer Guide
Defined Set
A set of Dimension Members is used to scope selections, usually Filters within a Form. There are two types of Defined Sets: MEMBERS and DYNAMIC. With MEMBERS, the Members are selected directly from the UI. With DYNAMIC, the Members are selected by specifying a set of conditions.
Resources: Configure Defined Set
The process of generating the actual OLAP cubes that drive an Application's Models. Users must deploy an Application when any structural change is made to it. Deployment ensures the most up-to-date version of the Application is accurately reflected in the OLAP Database.
Resources: Modeler Tutorial - Deployment
Deployment Script
A SQL, MDX, or XMLA script that runs during Deployment. Deployment Scripts are often used to update custom elements in an Application or automate particular tasks. Deployment Scripts can be managed in the Modeler under Deployment > Scripts in the navigation pane.
Resources: Use Script at Deployment
Dimensions are tables used to organize and filter data. Dimensions are one of the essential building blocks of an Application. Models are built by combining one or more Dimensions. Kepion comes with three predefined Dimensions: Account, Time, and Scenario.
Analytical - A functionality available in Forms that allows you to 'drill' into data within the Model to determine which Dimension Members contributed to the displayed value. This feature is accessed by right-clicking on a value in a Form.
Transactional - A functionality available in Forms that allows you to 'drill' into the individual transactions within the SQL Database to understand the lowest-level values that contributed to the displayed value. This feature needs to be configured in the Modeler before it can be accessed by right-clicking on a value in a Form.
Resources: Configure Drill-Through (Analytical), Configure Drill-Through (Transactional)
Drop-Down (previously Model Combinations)
Drop-Down Cell - A type of input cell configured in the Modeler via the Drop-Down tab in the Forms node. By default, Drop-Down cells are a light shade of purple.
Resources: Add Drop-Down to Form
Drop-Down Menu - An additional way to configure the navigation menu in a Dashboard App.
Resources: Add Drop-Down to Dashboard Navigation
End User
Any user who primarily accesses Kepion Apps and Modules instead of back-end features (e.g., Modeler).
File Store
A component that allows users to upload attachments through a Dashboard and share files of any type with other users. File Stores are created and managed in the Modeler module.
Resources: Use File Store Attachment
Filter - One of the three parts (Filter, Rows, and Columns) that define a Form. Filters are used to switch between different data contexts in a Form.
Data Filter - A Filter applied to the columns in a Form to filter by the different data in the cells. A useful component to manage Forms with many rows of data.
One of the essential components used in Kepion. Forms are similar to Excel Pivot Tables but with more powerful and flexible configuration capabilities. Forms belong to a Model and are defined by the Dimensions composing the Model. Users create Forms by assigning hierarchies and measures to the Rows, Columns, and Filters. Forms can also be configured as read-only or for data input.
Kepion supports Active Directory Groups, allowing IT departments to manage user security outside the system. It's often easier to manage permissions and user security by group instead of by the user. Groups are similar to Kepion Roles, with the former being defined by Active Directory (AD) and the latter defined only within Kepion.
See Also: Role
Hierarchy - Defined within a Dimension, a Hierarchy represents a set of Members derived from the underlying Dimension data. A Hierarchy can be defined with different types of structures: flat, parent-child, leveled, attribute, etc.
Parent-Child Hierarchy - A type of Dimension Hierarchy structure in which a sub-set of Dimension Members are organized with a parent-child relationship. This Hierarchy is also known as a Member List in Hierarchy mode. The default Account Dimension is an example of a Parent-Child Hierarchy.
Leveled Hierarchy - A type of Dimension Hierarchy created from Dimension Attributes. A Leveled Hierarchy is always associated with a given Member List and derives its Members from a combination of the Members within the Member List itself and the associated Dimension Attributes. For example, the default Time Dimension contains a Member List called 'Months,' with a Leveled Hierarchy called 'Fiscal Calendar.' The Fiscal Calendar is defined based on the Dimension Attributes FiscalYear, FiscalQuarter, and MemberId.
Note: The Time Dimension's Attributes are hidden in the Modeler module for ease of use.
Attribute Hierarchy - A Dimension Hierarchy based on a Dimension's Attribute. An Attribute Hierarchy can be enabled by selecting the Hierarchy box in the Attributes node.
See Also: Member List
Kepion Planning
A general name to not only refer to the Kepion software but differentiate it from our company's name.
Linked Models
Linked Models are used to link multiple Models together. Models linked together can share Measures and Dimensions. The primary use of this feature is to create Validation Models, which define relationships between Dimension Members.
Resources: Use Linked Models
MDX Rule
MDX (Multidimensional Expressions) is a language for OLAP Databases, in the same way that SQL is a language for Relational Databases. MDX is used to define multi-dimensional calculations on OLAP cubes. For performance considerations, write calculations on the Relational Databases in SQL whenever possible.
A Member refers to an item within a Dimension Hierarchy. For Member-List Hierarchies, a Member will consist of properties for MemberID, MemberLabel, MemberName, Input, Annotate and any additional Dimension Attributes. For Attribute Hierarchies, a Member refers to a single datum from the Dimension Attribute. It is common to refer to Members by the way they are displayed. For example, a Geography Dimension may contain Members such as the United States, Canada, and Australia.
Member List
A type of Dimension Hierarchy that represents a subset of Dimension Members configured in either Flat or Hierarchy Mode. Each Member of this Hierarchy has access to information defined by the Dimension's attributes. Member Lists are used when adding Dimensions to a Model by defining the scope of available Members within the Model. The Time Dimension contains the following Member Lists by default: Days, Months, Quarters, and Years.
Member Variable
A type of Application Variable that holds a specific Dimension member. Member Variables are useful because you can add them to various locations across the Application and update all the values at once.
Resources: Use Member Variables in Form Filter
The structure in Kepion representative of the OLAP Cube generated during Deployment. More simply, Models can be thought of as combinations of Dimensions. A Model's data lies where the Dimensions intersect. Models are used for capturing and reporting on data.
Model Combination
See: Drop-Down
Modeler (role) - Modelers have access to the Modeler module, which allows for building and configuring Applications.
See Also: Model Designer
Modeler (module)- The Modeler module is used to manage the core building aspects of the Application, where Modelers can define Dimensions, Hierarchies, Models, Forms, Dashboards, Rules, etc.
Resources: Modeler Tutorial
Module - A generic term for any of the following sections of Kepion: Apps, Modeler, Administrator, and System.
See Also: App, Modeler, Administrator, System
Module (App) - See: App
Often used to specifically refer to the different sections of the Modeler and Administrator modules, accessible through the right-hand navigation pane. For example, the All Models node or Deployment node. May sometimes refer more generally to any selectable section, especially when the selection is part of a Hierarchy.
Online Analytical Processing
See: Model
A data table in a Model. Each Model has a Rule and Writeback partition by default.
A feature that allows you to create a user-friendly UI for connecting 3rd party analysis tools and Model data.
Resources: Configure Perspectives to Simplify Analysis
See: Submission
One of three types of users (Approver, Contributor, and Reviewer) that can be added to a Workflow. Reviewers can view and comment on a submission but cannot modify the data.
The Kepion term for a group of users with defined permissions, access, and/or capabilities. Adding Groups and individual users to Roles can help with security management and automation.
See Also: Group
Security Role
The following Security Roles are predefined for every Application: Administrator, Model Designer, and Advanced Contributor. Each comes with a specific set of permissions and security settings. System Administrators configure the Application's Security Roles.
See Also: Administrator, Model Designer, Advanced Contributor
A generic term for either the App, set of Apps, an entire Application, or a set of Applications built for a customer's business needs.
SQL Rule
SQL is a language for Relational Databases. A SQL Rule is a script written with raw T-SQL code to perform actions within an Application. As all the data that powers the Application is stored in a SQL Database, SQL Rules can be leveraged to build simple to complex business rules.
Standard Variable
A type of Application Variable that holds raw text and can be injected in many different locations within an Application. Standard Variables can define a single data point (e.g., an integer) or more complex definitions (e.g., SQL or MDX snippets).
Resources: Use Standard Variables
A saved or submitted instance of a Dashboard or Workbook App by a user. A Submission is also known as an App Instance. Submissions have various stages in their approval process, including saved, approved, and rejected. An App can be configured in the Administrator module to allow multiple submissions.
Note: The data posted in one Submission affects the database immediately and will change the data in all other Submissions and Apps.
System Admin
System Admin is a predefined system security role that grants access to the entire system, including each application and its related data. System Admins can also impersonate any user within the system. The person installing Kepion will be added as the default System Admin by default. Additional users can be granted this role through the System module.
System Database
The System database holds all the system settings for your Kepion instance. Its default name is Kepion_System but was named CPMAppHost before Kepion version 6.1.22257.
Resources: Kepion_System Tables Guide
Text Component
A component within the Dashboard Editor used to display generic text on the Dashboard. Text Components can be turned into buttons, action rules, and hyperlinks in the settings configuration menu.
An identity in Kepion that represents either a real person or a machine account that can access various system components. Security can be granted and denied to individual users.
Similar in concept to Excel Workbook, the Workbook is defined by a set of one or more Forms.
Workbook App
The Workbook App is defined by a set of Forms that creates a Workbook that business users can interact with.
See Also: Dashboard App
The process that a Workflow App's Submissions and user data undergo to be changed, reviewed, and approved.
See Also: Basic Workflow, Advanced Workflow
Workflow Attachment
A file you can share and download on a Dashboard or Workbook.
Resources: Configure Workflow Attachment